... and what will you bring me today?

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Maybe Good Stress...?

So I have been busy a few days taking pictures for the Assistance League, plus going to extra meetings, and that has worked out okay. It would be great if they would let me be connected to the G:drive from home so I could upload and edit photos rather than drive all the way to the headquarters each time - it is about 20 minutes each way. We'll see. And it seems that we will be able to work out a schedule for taking pictures that is good for everyone.

And then my not so good decision to get some home-improvement taken care of now...
With only a week and a few days to go until the kids visit, I am encouraging the young man who is working on the house to FINISH the first half what we have talked about so it is done before everyone arrives!! He has painted the ceiling in my sewing room (removing the 'glow in the dark' stars from Amanda's pre-teen years) and installed a great fixture so I can see much better. (It is also encouraging me to clean out the excess things in the room!) He worked in the closet in my bedroom removing a boxed in area that was wasted space and now makes the closet bigger - Yea!! Plus tomorrow he will paint the bathroom (he removed the old wallpaper a few days ago), paint the closet, and paint the bedroom too!! Triple Yea!!

But I only have a week until the kids get here for Amanda's bridal shower and the Fourth of July, and it has to be clean and organized... oh my

Friday, June 1, 2012

So I sent off the email to say that, yes, I would take the job of Photography Chairman for the Assistance League chapter. I hope I am not getting myself into a big mess and going to cause problems for the others in the group if I can not follow through. I figured that I do take relatively good pictures and all they really need are snapshots that different members can use for flyers, advertisements, reports, etc. This is not a job needing a paid photographer!!

My questions about it are if I will be able to be at all the places I need to be in order to get the pictures, or if I can not go I need to find someone else to volunteer to go. So there are quite a few meetings to go to within the next two weeks where others will let me know what's expected. So we will see...

Now that I have volunteered away a chunk of time I will have to be more organized to get my own photos and quilts done. Plus we have wedding planing to complete and invitations to address - Oh My!